It is made after the model of Bubble in 2005: shot digitally ( GFE on a much higher-quality camera) in a very short period with non-professional actors, quickly finished and released in theaters, on the HDNet cable channel and as a digital download all in the same span. I also loved Ocean's Twelve, so I'm just a sociopath all 'round) it is a sort of hodge-pdoge of ideas that the director has noodled around with throughout the last ten years.

See, The Girlfriend Experience is quite unmistakably one of Soderbergh's experiments - he directed, shot (as usual, under the name "Peter Andrews") and edited (under the name "Mary Ann Bernard", also as usual) the thing, so auteurist arguments have more weight here than usual - and by my accounting, a successful one it is too, just as successful in fact as 2002's Full Frontal, though for different reasons entirely (that's another part of the frame I was referring to: yes, I am one of the half-dozen people in the world who would call Full Frontal "successful". No sir, I am as slavering a Soderbergh fanboy as can be, which I say only so that you know the proper frame for what follows. I'm not the one who's going to argue that, mind you. Say whatever you like about the other ones, but it is an undeniable fact that they are not thoughtless things - it may in fact be the case that they're too thoughtful for their own good, so conceptually laden that sometimes the filmmaker can be accused of forgetting to put a movie in amongst all of the experimentation. We all know by now that the career of filmmaker Steven Soderbergh breaks into two separate parts: greatly accomplished studio fare that is extremely entertaining, awards-friendly, or both and the.