I’ve rigorously studied real film examples, film manufacture documents, old photography magazines, and everything else I can get my hands on to methodically dissect each film VSCO offers. And I’ve been building the missing documentation. So I’ve been going through each and every film inside VSCO. It soon became clear that the reason I wasn’t getting great results from film emulation was that I didn’t understand the underlying analog film itself. It was time-consuming and I was still never satisfied at the final images. Every article just said, “Try a bunch of the presets and see which one you liked.” Well, that’s what I was doing, and it sucked. I searched everywhere for more information about how to use VSCO, and there really wasn’t a lot of detail on how and when to use each film. Yet when I purchased my first pack, I felt like I wasn’t getting nearly the same results. When I first came across VSCO film, I was amazed at the results others were getting with it. Just fill in the form below, then click “Download” and I’ll send you a link! This way you can quickly reference all of the films. Since the guides are so in-depth, I’ve found that it’s helpful to have some quick, cheat sheets.

Go to VSCO Film 07 guide –> VSCO Film 03-06 – Coming Soon! While the effects are typically subtle, these films can get you a really distinct, refined look.

VSCO Film 07 offers a unique collection of film presets from Agfa, Kodak & Fuji.